Why don't I see the produce I want?

If you aren't seeing an item appearing on your box customization screen that was on the availability list in the Sneak Peek newsletter, this means it is currently out of stock.

We understand it can be frustrating when this happens. While we do our best to ensure we have adequate stock for everyone who would want an item to get one, this is not always possible. New crops, such as tomatoes, take time to ramp up production, undesirable weather conditions can delay (or destroy) anticipated harvests, projections can run short. These factors are magnified by the fact that our farm, and the other farms we work with, are small-scale operations. Add to that the flexible nature of our program, allowing unlimited skips and customization, and the fragile, perishable nature of the produce we're handling, and making a beautiful variety of local produce, and in the correct quantities, available to our members is a delicate balancing act.

That said, there are a couple things you can do to improve your chances of getting what you want in your box!

  • If you haven't already done so, setting your preferences to "Love" for the items you most want improves the chances of the item being placed in your box by our system.
  • Check back again before order deadline (Saturdays at 11pm) - inventory will often open up as members customize their boxes or go on hold. We also add stock when projections come in higher than anticipated.

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